Garden rooms are quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to extend your living space. They are quick to assemble, cost-effective, versatile, and according to Halifax, can add as much as 5% to the value of your home. The difficulty is that there are so many types of garden room on the market, so you have to choose well. And full insulation should be at the top of your garden room wish list. Here’s why.

Five Reasons to Ensure Your Garden Room is Fully Insulated


People purchase garden rooms like the Coverdale for all kinds of reasons. Office, gym, studio, consulting room, or summer house. But while, for some people, a garden room is just an extra chill out zone for the warmer weather, the vast majority wish to use their garden rooms year-round. But if the space is not fully equipped with insulation, that can be challenging. Without the right insulation, the room will be insufferably hot in summer and uncomfortably cold in winter.

Long-term cost

As a general rule, uninsulated garden rooms are cheaper to purchase. But in the longer term, this can be a seriously false economy. Because if you do wish to use the space throughout the year, you’ll end up spending an absolute fortune on heating and cooling.


A garden room like the Littondale, with its deck, glass façade, and projecting canopy, can be a lasting investment. It’s beautiful, comfortable, and appealing. But looks aren’t everything – the structure has to be sound too. Because while insulation can support temperature regulation it can also improve the lifespan of the structure. While the avoidance of extreme temperature fluctuations can prevent the formation of condensation and mould, insulation helps to prevent the build up of moisture. Together, these two things can help make the structure considerably more durable. Ensuring that your investment delivers maximum value for money.


A well-insulated structure of any kind will also be more soundproof. This means that the family next door are less likely to overhear your phone calls or workouts. And that their conversations and traffic noise won’t disturb your train of thought. For those who need complete silence, or have noisy pursuits in mind when planning their garden room (music lessons and drumming practice spring to mind!), Garden Room Sanctuary can also offer professional garden room soundproofing.


Life is ever-changing. What works for you this year might not be as valuable to you in five years’ time. Having an insulated garden room means that you have more flexibility to change your mind. So, if you no longer need a garden office, if it’s fully insulated, you might want to repurpose it into a guest bedroom. Who knows, if you live in a tourist area and you opted to have a toilet, shower, and mini kitchen installed, you could potentially gain an extra income stream and turn it into a micro-holiday pod!

It’s easy to look at garden rooms as a flash-in-the-pan trend. And for some people, they are. They choose poorly and the structure simply isn’t fit for purpose. But if you invest in a quality, fully insulated garden room, it will add value, convenience, functionality, and comfort to your home. Extending your living or working space, and providing enormous value for money.

All Garden Room Sanctuary garden rooms are fully insulated as standard. Why not check out our full range of customisable garden rooms online, or get in touch for more information. 

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