Flexible working is becoming more and more common everywhere. The number of people working from home in the UK has risen by 74% since 2008, reaching over 1.5 million in the last year. From reducing stress to helping with childcare, working from home offers a whole host of benefits.

You could always set up your own home office but there’s a lot to be said for going one step further and investing in a separate garden office. It’s a lot more productive than you might initially think! Just because it’s in your garden doesn’t mean it’s a place of leisure; a garden office room can still be a serious place of business. Here are some of the benefits of a garden office and the surprising effects that make it more than a professional workspace.

Work-life balance

One of the main downsides of working from home is it blurs the line between your work and home life. When you’re working from home, it’s easy for your job to take over your life.

By building a garden office, you set more concrete boundaries for your work life. You can walk down to work in the morning and leave the office at the end of the day. It combines the best of working from home and working in an office.

When you have a specific workspace that’s outside of your home, it allows you to better maintain an enjoyable and healthy personal life. Your living space no longer makes you think of work, meaning you can enjoy your time there without work creeping up on you. It’s mainly a psychological separation but will go a long way in helping you switch off.


If your office is at the end of the garden, you can say goodbye to any costly or time-consuming commutes. Outdoor garden buildings are more convenient and it means you can be more flexible with your work. If you have other commitments, you can spread your work out in alternate ways. Allow yourself to take some time off when you need and make it up elsewhere.


If you work in your house, it’s easy to get distracted, especially if you have children. The constant interruptions will eat away at your productivity and might leave you wishing you were back in your company’s office. But, a garden office building can be your own little haven away from the bustle of your house. For your set working hours, you can shut yourself away from any distractions.

A garden office can significantly improve your professional and personal life. Whether you’re struggling to switch off at the end of the day, are too distracted, or are lacking productivity and inspiration, a garden office could help you to get back on track. The sooner you establish a happier work life, the healthier your personal life will be.

Here at Garden Room Sanctuary, we can add something special to your garden. Our garden rooms can help you balance your professional and personal life or provide a multi-use space for work and play. If you have any questions, get in touch with us today by filling our online contact form.